Sunday, February 22, 2009

Don't ask how much it cost!

One of our local grocery stores got the shipment of American products. In past years, I have been able to resist myself, but this year I gave in, even if it was more than double the cost. I understand Esau (who sold his inheritance for some bean soup), Hormel Tamales are worth a week’s salary. We got the loot home and I fixed up the Tamales, they were accompanied with some Jumex Tamarind juice, by anyone’s standards, a truly authentic Mexican meal. As for the juice, what a trip it had, leaving Mexico up to the US, and then down to Brazil and finally over to Paraguay. Contrary to brief, Paraguayans don’t speak Mexican or eat their food.
Sarah and I also had “southern culture day” in which we ate Corned Beef Hash and Grits. Although the boys did not participate in the meal, they will need to go to “How to be southern” boot camp when we get back.

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